Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 27- Kale!

I'm always trying to get more iron into our diets. I would eat spinach every dinner but it's not a good idea to eat it too often since it can cause kidney stones in men. So to change up our leafy greens and get lots of iron in, I love cooking with kale. It's in practically every supermarket, realatively cheap, super rich in iron and vitamins, and easy to prepare. It doesn't have a strong taste but does have a bit of a rougher texture than spinach. One of the best (and yummiest) ways to cook kale is to make kale chips. These are great as a side dish with dinner but are also a wonderful and nutricious snack. I've tried several times to make them to snack on throughout the week but I always end up eating the entire batch as soon as they are baked. Oh well!
First, line a cookie sheet with foil and spray it with olive oil spray. Then rinse an entire bunch of kale and pat it dry. Tear the kale into pieces (slightly larger than bite sized) and toss any hard stems. Spread out the pieces on the cookie sheet and spray olive oil over the whole batch. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put in the oven at 300 and bake 10-15 minutes. They are done with they are deliciously crispy.

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